
The in-detail description of Ulna Press can be found in RIGHT BLOW, block -- ULNA PRESS. This variation is the same except for the initial move.

Tori starts with both arms down, while uke has grabbed both of his wrists with his hands. This is actually a terribly naive way to attempt to restrain anyone, and in this syllabus there are many examples of how to defeat this weak hold. Tori must initially resist outward, so as to cause uke to press inward to keep tori's arms close together. If uke fails to press inward, tori should be able to easily escape this restraint, and apply other techniques. Once tori feels uke apply pressure inward, tori should very suddenly stop resisting outward and allow his wrists to move inward, with a slight bias toward allowing his right hand to be higher, and thus travel over his left, so that tori's right wristbone, just above the below the base of the thumb, should impact solidly on uke's right wrist. The force of this impact should be enough to weaken if not destroy uke's hold on tori's left wrist. Tori should continue the motion by carrying uke's right wrist up and overtop. It should be possible to do this whether or not uke continues to hold onto tori's right hand. As you rotate uke's right arm overtop, uke will eventually be forced to let go in any case.

When both of tori's hands are rotated in a clockwise direction, the motion should lay uke's right wrist quite naturally into the palm of tori's right hand. The move becomes the standard ulna press as outlined previously as soon as tori has achieved a grasp on uke's right wrist with his own right hand, and begins to rotate the arm over using his left hand with the palm up and fingers to the outside, cupping the elbow.

In practice, this technique looks very tricky and quick, because it adds the force of uke attempting to press tori's arms inward to tori's sudden reversal of energy, and because there is a quick change of hands. Once the basic technique of escaping from the double-wrist hold is mastered, however, this technique is a very simple variation on the Ulna Press.


  1. uke attacks by grabbing tori's wrists, held in front and downward.
  2. tori resists outward.
  3. uke applies pressure inward, to contain tori's motion.
  4. tori reverses his direction of force, going with uke's energy, but moves his right wrist overtop of his left one, striking uke's right wrist with the bony part of his own.
  5. tori continues motion in a circular motion overtop, achieving a grasp on uke's right wrist at about shoulder height, once his own wrist has rotated sufficiently to make a grasp possible.
  6. tori proceeds with ulna press as outlined before.


Rather than using a rotational motion to escape from uke's grip, it is possible to bring the right forearm vertically up between uke's arms, forcing him to release tori; after which the remainder of the ulna press may be pursued.

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